
iS Clinical, a luxury skincare brand known for its innovative, science-based products, sought to strengthen its presence in the competitive Chinese skincare market by engaging consumers through localized and culturally relevant strategies. The brand aimed to increase awareness, engagement, and sales by leveraging influencer marketing and key social media platforms. We adapted iS Clinical’s messaging and visual identity to resonate with Chinese cultural nuances and partnered with influential beauty KOLs to enhance brand credibility.



To achieve these goals, we created compelling content that showcased product benefits, established a strong presence on platforms like Weibo, WeChat, Douyin, and Xiaohongshu, and executed targeted paid campaigns. We utilized interactive formats such as live streaming and user-generated content to foster engagement. Integrating social commerce features, we provided seamless shopping experiences with direct purchase links and exclusive offers, while PR campaigns generated buzz and media coverage. This strategic approach significantly boosted iS Clinical’s brand awareness and sales, positioning it as a trusted luxury skincare choice in China.

Increase YoY brand exposure by 676.8%

Improved brand interest (bookmark, add-to-cart, browse) by 56.5% in less than 12 months

Increase e-commerce total sales by 40.9% YoY, largely driven by social commerce initiatives