
The health and wellness sector is booming in China, as growing awareness of taking care of one’s well-being is leading consumers to invest more in products and solutions that promote healthy lifestyles. Fortunately, foreign brands enjoy a reputational advantage in this space.

Juice Plus+ specializes in fruit and vegetable-based supplements, a growing product sub-category within the health and wellness space.

To capitalize on the existing demand for their products, Juice Plus+ launched in China just ahead of Singles Day (11.11).



In order to create awareness of this new brand in the Chinese market, Creative Labs launched an omni-channel marketing campaign, presenting a series of video advertisements, which have been running both online and offline — in elevators.

Yes, you read that correctly.

Most Chinese urban residents live in high rise buildings, and their elevators typically have screens inside that display advertisements 24/7. Elevator ads offer brands a low-CPM channel to reach their targeted demographics.

Our campaign for Juice Plus+ targeted high-income buildings in first and second-tier cities — the places where young families and young affluent professionals live and drive demand for health and wellness products.